As also seen in a public post on Patreon:

Good evening everyone! I hope that you're all having a lovely week so far. This year is already going at "warp speed" now that we're almost at the halfway mark of February! There seems to be a lot of bugs going around at the moment as I've spent this February under the weather, yet still have been cracking on, despite feeling quite out of it with low energy at times.

Currently, whilst being unwell I've been doing some significantly large render batches, whilst trying to recover as you know how hard it is to get what needs to be done, when you feel so off, but I've carried on none the less. This has been boosting up the render total for Chapter 3 so far. In addition to that I'll shortly be issuing the third script segment of Chapter 3 to the proof readers in the coming days so that they can go through it to scrutinize. I do find that giving them smaller batches this time to read makes it more manageable on both sides as I have to compare their versions after, before picking what to apply over the original.

I've had some "writers block" as all creators get as I'm no Stephen king, but have thankfully progressed with the scene in question (I may have had someone help get my mind moving on that) as sometimes you need to think "Okay, so A and B... what the heck do they talk about and do between?" One scene alone that I'm writing and have been rendering for has three different paths, which makes it the largest scene render count wise so far. The scene in question furthers character progression, as well as dialogue, which I'll look forward for y'all to read through (different for whatever path you take/have to take). When you consider all three variants of this entire scene it is a big one to create. Perhaps, some of you will need to go back and start thinking of creating and naming different saves for the multiple game routes? I know that some of you have already.

I still have a ways to go development wise for Chapter 3, especially with the significant scene that I have planned during this chapter later on; however, I am very satisfied with the progressive progress that I've been making since the New Year.

To put into context and it's not the finished count for this release, I currently have 3,835 total renders (stills and animated combined) for Chapter 3 at the time of posting this blog. 1880 stills and 1,955 animated stills. Every chapter will vary in size pending on the amount of renders needed to be made (so it'll vary per update), but so far I'm really chuffed with the progress that I'm making.

A huge thank you to each of you who are continuing to place your faith in me, my vision and game as I'm pushing on ahead with the task at hand! As tomorrow is 14th Feb, I'll be posting some Valentines romantic pin-ups for Camper + tier donors as a little extra to say thanks. Regardless of what tier you are (whether it's Camp Applicant, to the Scream Queen), you're a one time, current, or past donor, from the bottom of my heart thank you.

I cannot express how much it means to me, so if any of you like what I do and have the means to do so, even if just a little, please consider supporting me if able as it really further shows your support and make a huge difference to me.

IF YOU'VE NOT SEEN IT ALREADY I have a public poll for what's your favorite current love interest and favorite side character. So hop on over and participate now! (One choice can be entered for each poll per each user).

Now that's enough of my ramblings! Wanted to throw some teasers your way and give a little sit-rep that progress is still going on, and is going well! So as always, a big thanks to y'all!

Until next time!

Get Fairwood Retreat 87

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