Development SITREP 12:

“The last days of May are among the longest of the year.” – Alice Munro 

We're heading towards the twilight of May, as June appears just around the corner. Progress on Chapter 2 is continuing well. Am already pleased with the growing render count, as well as the slow but steady progress of creating some nice transitional animations.

Yesterday I dropped the first half of Chapter 2 to my proof readers. This will ensure that they can have a good chance to look at it early on in Chapter 2's development, vs one massive bulk script at the end. That also allows me once they've made revisions to gradually implement it into the master script, cutting down the need to do one massive bulk near the end of Chapter 2's development. For the latter is very tiring to do.

You'll have to forgive the censoring, but this is my general overview of how Chapter 2 will appear. As you can just vaguely tell there are some actual branching choices that entwine around each other. This will offer some slight variations in the playthrough for the player, but opens up alternating routes. Overall I'm pleased with how Chapter 2 is planned and progressing. It is more ambitious than Chapter 1.

Now to throw some more teasers towards y'all. These three renders in particularly love. I still have a long, long, long way to go in terms of self improving as a developer, but when looking back at the prologue, chapter 1 and a few years prior, when I was using Honey Select, I have done leaps in improvement I feel. From two of the teasers you can see two new characters that none of you have seen before, so be sure to look out for those too.

Another heart felt thanks to everyone who's become a donor. If you're able to, please consider becoming one also over at Patreon as every little helps, shows me your support and I greatly appreciate it, so thank you. 

Should you wish to be kept up to date, and see the dev interacting with the wider community, be sure to visit the development Discord server at:

Bless be, and have a lovely week y'all

Get Fairwood Retreat 87

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