Good morning everyone! Summer is in full boom, and for many it'll be a hot one! 

Just wrapped up rendering another animation earlier. Please be easy on me though during my future releases, as it's still early days and I'm a novice still. Like last year when I upgraded my GPU, I'm hoping in the future when able to upgrade my CPU also, to help further speed up my work.

So today, I'm just throwing some small teasers your way as I didn't get to do that last week. It has been a few hectic weeks as have had a lot to do behind the scenes, especially with a small hot spell, so development slowed down a bit.

I'm hoping soon to finish wrapping up the writing for Chapter 2. Need to plough on with it, and get my two proof-readers to proof read it so that the entirety of the next release is finished writing wise. Mostly in the meantime it's just been me rendering, rendering, rendering (with a few small animations thrown in too). As you know a big chunk of creating these vn's does come down to the rendering, then again some devs make outstanding games with minimalistic renders; therefore, it comes down to the dev, creative style and approach.

On top of the teasers that I've thrown out today, am also showing off just a tiny WIP change regarding the main menu of the game. Before you remember that not so nice icon for the walkthrough guide ... well that's now been redone, with the addition of a music credits at the bottom of the screen.

Finally (don't plan to make this a recurring thing), I'd love to give a shout out to a very talented dev named Daggum from Daggum Games and his "The Beautiful Game" VN. It's an outstanding and a very inspiring, well written, and created piece of work. I highly recommend you give it a try yourself. Say that SakuraBlossomGames sent you. Me, myself I absolutely am in love with his character Leah.

Have a lovely week all, till next time!

Get Fairwood Retreat 87

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